The Urban Fresh Podcast

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Urban Fresh Gardens, Inc.

01 January 2024

42m 52s

#6: Tricia Shakespeare - Jamaican Missionary to Costa Rica



To Support Tricia

Mission Enablers International - Tricia Shakespeare Grant Designation Code: TG3696 
Instagram: tricia.vivienne

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Speaker A: Hello and welcome to the Urban Fresh podcast, where we interview believers from around the globe. I'm your host, Tanisha Knight. And I am so glad that you're joining us. Today we're interviewing our friend and missionary to Costa Rica, Tricia Shakespeare. Okay, Trish, welcome to the Urban Fresh podcast. We are so happy to have you.

Speaker B: Thank you.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker B: So happy to be.

Speaker A: Good, good. Well, for those of you who are listening to hearing and used to hearing my voice all the time, tonight we are. Today we're joined by Gregory Knight, the husband.

Speaker C: Hi, Trish. Good seeing you again in my longtime friend and just didn't know how much we had in common and that our circles were familiar. I'm happy to really be here sitting with you and sitting with Tanisha, and then it's like this one big family that we didn't know that was happening.

Speaker B: Yeah, that's totally a God thing.

Speaker A: And just for context, Gregory and I both know Trish, but we did not know we knew her until we started dating, until we came to America. So Greg knew Trish because they went to the same church in Jamaica. I got to know Trish because we went to the same college, same seminary in. Yeah. So, Trish, let's start by asking you this. Who are you? And. Yeah, let's start with that. Who are you?

Speaker B: I have many things.

Speaker A: All right.

Speaker B: Well, right now I am a full time missionary with youth, with a mission, and I'm based in hereedia, Costa Rica. Yeah. I am jamaican born and bred, and I'm a single mom. I have one son. He's eleven, going on 21. Yeah. Okay, what else? Yeah.

Speaker A: Okay, so that's who you are. Well, I guess a question people would ask, why Costa Rica?

Speaker B: Well, it's funny. I came here between 2018 to 2019. I was volunteering with Wycliffe Bible translators Caribbean, and I was responsible for the youth arm. And so they had asked me to help at a church with a VBS here in Costa Rica, in Le Mon, and that's known as the caribbean side. So Le Mon is a province that is closer to in Costa Rica. It's closer to Panama. So I was asked to come and help a church to do a vbs. And when I came here, that was when I fell in love with Costa Rica. And so when it became time for me, after I finished training with youth as a mission in 2019, going into 2020, we had Covid, and then I remained in the States for two years, and then I came here after that. Yeah.

Speaker A: Okay, so you said you were doing training with Wycliffe and then you transitioned to YwAm. Is it that you were getting that feeling that you were supposed to be in Costa Rica? Is that why you trained with and after leaving?

Speaker B: Know, funny enough, I knew about Ywam before leaving Wycliffe. So for more, Ywam was more of a missions oriented. When I was in Wycliffe, I was more doing office work, and then Wycliffe, they deal with Bible translation, and that was not for me.

Speaker C: Okay, got it. Trish. I was pretty young and back in the days, but far as I could remember, you were always called to mission. Like, mission was always on your mind?

Speaker B: Always.

Speaker C: Even as a young person, I think I could remember at some point, it seems like there was like this struggle to figure out where exactly the mission is going to take you. And I remember in church, at times, this would be part of your testimony. And so how is it different now? Looking back, did you feel like you did the right move? If you had it to do again, would you have done something different?

Speaker B: If I had to do it differently, I would have started earlier in terms of full time ministry, because I went to JTS and then Jamaica theological Seminary. It's a Bible school in Jamaica. If I had my way or if I could do it over, I have no regrets. But if I could do it earlier in life, I would have, because I think what happened is that after leaving the seminary, I didn't go into missions. Well, yes, I started with CEF. I would have continued with CEF instead of leaving child evangelism fellowship and going into the school system as a guidance counselor, I don't think I would have done that part. But at the same time, I just saw God's hand in everything because I needed to pay back student loan, and so I couldn't do know using the whole missions thing, because you only get a stipend when we were with child evangelism fellowship. And so for me, every situation or everything or every step that I've made in life took me to where I am at now. So I don't necessarily say I would do anything differently. Maybe I would have started earlier. Yeah.

Speaker A: Let's go back a little bit, because you mentioned quite a few things. You mentioned JTS Jamaica theological Seminary, which is where we met, and then you mentioned CEF is child evangelism fellowship. So let's go back to what Gregory said about you always feeling this call. How did you get the call into the official call into missions?

Speaker B: Well, when I was 14, a missionary in Jamaica, I was invited to. There's a christian club in high schools that we call interschools Christians Fellowship, ISCF. And so when I was 14, I remember meeting a missionary, Jean Denham. She's deceased, but I remember meeting her because she had spoken at the ISCS group meeting. And I always knew in my heart that that was something I could do, but wasn't too sure, because for us in Jamaica, we are a receiving nation, meaning that missionaries come to us. So it was a little bit far fetched. One, to be somebody from the third world. Two, what should I say? Female from my church, because it was mostly male dominated. Yeah. And Gregory can attest to. So I wasn't too sure, but when I saw her, I was like, oh, my goodness, I really can do this. And so that was when I started to really believe that this is something I could do when I met her.

Speaker A: Got it. And how did you decide to go to JTS?

Speaker B: All right, JTs. No, the only seminary I knew of, or Bible school, as we call it at that time, that I knew of where I could get trained was UTC. I think it's the college, the theological college that is attached to the University of the West Indies. But I didn't want to go there because I knew people who went there and, yeah, let's just leave it there. I wasn't very inspired by them to go. Yeah. And so I remember I was going to excelsior community college at the time because I needed to finish up my a levels, and by that time, I had aged out of high school, and so I needed to finish my a levels. And so I went there my final year to do a levels, and they were having a courier day, and there were some students there from the seminary, and I was like, wow. Because before then, I was praying and I was saying to God, okay, because most of my family, my cousins and my friends at the time, they were all looking to go to the university. So I said, okay, maybe that is where I need to go. But I had prayed, and I put a fleece out and praying about it. And then I met these students from the seminary, and they were having carrier day, and I was the only one there for the entire day. I was just so fascinated. Nobody else was interested in going to the seminary. Everybody else was going to the University of the West Indies booth, or what's the other one? University of Technology. Everybody was there, Michael, and those places, and I was the only one. And I sat there for the entire day, and I had a project to do at the end of my a levels, and I did the project on the seminary, and I had to go to the library there a few times, and that was what sealed the deal. And I applied to both the university of the West Indies and to the seminary, and I said, okay, God, whichever application comes through first. And I got accepted. Even before I completed a levels, I got accepted with just my CXE subject. So that was it? That was it, yeah.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker C: As a missionary, every time I would think about missionaries, I would think about missionaries when God would send people out and they would probably go in difficult areas. What's your experience as a missionary? I know this probably be a tough question, but what would be your biggest challenge as a missionary out in the field?

Speaker B: All right, for me, I'll answer the first question first about the place. For me, when I was with child evangelism fellowship, I lived in Brazil for nine months, and that was, I would say, my first real getting my feet wet in terms of missions. And it was the first time ever I was going away for so long from family and church and all of that. I went to Cuba before, but that was like ten days, and Cuba is Jamaica's neighbor. Plus I did local missions in and around Jamaica. But for me, Brazil was kind of a difficult transition. The language was different and so on. That was my first kind of reality in terms of missions. And the second place, that was really difficult for me because it was years after that was recently, 2019 was in the Philippines. Yeah, because it was difficult. But the most struggle I have had, I would say, is being on the field, it's relationship with other missionaries. Yeah. I remember when I was at the seminary, we had a class and the lecturer said that the number one reason that missionaries return home, it's not finances, it's not transition into the culture, it's not any of those. It's getting along with other missionaries on the field. And at the time, I was like, okay, that's strange. I mean, we're all in this Kumbaya kind of situation, and that was my. And then coming from a small church, as you know, Greg, we were a little bit more close knit, so I was know. But now I'm understanding more why that is, because it has been, my experience, very difficult.

Speaker A: Yeah, we're going to come back to more of the challenges first, but I wanted to ask what your family's response to your decision to do to pursue missions and evangelism. What was that response like?

Speaker B: Oh, they didn't care. They didn't care? Okay. They didn't care. Because the thing about it is that I've always been the child in my family, that goes against the grain. I was the one that, when everybody else was putting in their applications for traditional colleges and so on, the seminary. Okay. And they have always known me to be somebody like that who, when I set my mind to something, I'm going to push through and I'm going to do it. So it wasn't that I got. I think they were kind of. Indifferent is the word I'm searching for. Yeah.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker B: I think that was more it. Yeah.

Speaker A: Okay. I wanted to ask. Okay, so you went to JTS, where we met, you spent four years, or did you do.

Speaker B: You did four years? Yeah, I did theology.

Speaker A: Okay, so you did that. And just so everybody knows, we tried to record this a week ago, and there was just terrible feedback on my part. And obviously I need to learn more about these audio visual, whatever, but. So we had a pre interview, in a way. And so I learned about your transition from JTS to Costa Rica. So you spent some time in child evangelism fellowship. What were some of the things that you did there, your responsibilities? And I wanted us to touch briefly on the challenges that you experienced there.

Speaker B: My. Okay. When I graduated from JTS, I think it was six months after I started volunteering, let's call it that, with child evangelism fellowship. Let me say before I get into anything, in terms of answering your question, that was the best experience I've had so far. In terms of missions. Yeah.

Speaker A: Why? Because you were blessed with a lot of money?

Speaker B: No, I'm trying to be comical.

Speaker A: Go ahead.

Speaker B: No, I think because it was my first experience, too, and I was working with children, and that has always been my desire to work with children, and especially disadvantaged kids or kids who believe that they don't have value. And so that part of me was the inner child in me was really satisfied doing so. I left jTs, went into child evangelism fellowship. I was what we would call the parish supervisor or director for the chapter of child Evangelism in St. Thomas. There were three parishes, I think, that needed a supervisor, Westmoreland, Manchester and St. Thomas. And because I was already familiar with St. Thomas from youth camps, and also it was far from home, but the nearest. In case I needed to go back. Yeah, in case I needed to go back. Now, the second part of the question, in child evangelism Fellowship, we mostly did evangelism in the school. So we would have good news clubs. We would have VBS vacation, Bible school. We would have like, party clubs, what they call like a five day club in the summer. That was mostly what we did. We did fundraising. We would go and make presentation to churches and encourage them to come on board with us. What else did we do? There was a lot of administrative work as well. We also did a lot of correspondence courses with the children in prep schools and primary schools because that was the main age range, the elementary school age kids from basic or what we would call preschool into kindergarten to primary or elementary school. That was mainly what I did.

Speaker A: What I did. Well, I was telling you before too, that child evangelism fellowship used to be in our elementary school. I don't know if you had that, Greg. People coming in to witness the kids and do evangelism. Do you remember having that in know?

Speaker C: Well, I went to a, you know, probably a little bit different. All my teachers were nuns and principal was a nun and stuff.

Speaker A: Okay, well, I went to public school and we used to have that and that was amazing for me. I always loved the Bible stories and I loved when the missionaries came in, we didn't call them that, but that's what they were. But you mentioned earlier that I don't.

Speaker B: Think I answered that part.

Speaker A: Okay. Yes, because I was going to ask you about the stipend. You said you got a stipend right when you were working there. How did you survive on that?

Speaker B: It was pretty difficult. But when people ask me, all I can say is, and it sounds like a rudimentary answer, but it's only God. And the last time I can remember was sharing with you this particular instance stood out in my mind. I needed, at the time, monthly. I don't remember what the stipend was, but I know it was just enough to pay back the student loan because I was paying like maybe $1,500, 1500 jamaican dollars at the time. And it became due, and then the due date passed and I was like, okay, God, what is happening? And the stipend, we would usually get the stipend like at the end of the month. Like the last day of the month, right. Because what usually happened is when people get their paylight the 25th and they are supporting CeF, we would normally get our stipend after people get paid 25th.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker B: So it was late, and then the due date came and went and I was like, okay, God, what is happening? And I think it was the day before, because you get like a grace period to pay before they start charging you like a late fee. And I think it was the last day. So I was walking on the road and it's like a voice, they look down and I looked down and I saw like, $500 rolled up on the ground, and I took it off, and it was exactly $1,500 to pay the student loan. And right across the road, like, the money was on the pedestrian crossing, and right across the road was the bank. So I just went in and paid that money, and I was like, okay, God, thank you.

Speaker A: Nice.

Speaker B: And God has done different things, like, know.

Speaker A: Yeah, awesome. You also told the story about the pot on the.

Speaker B: Soup.

Speaker A: The soup.

Speaker B: Now, in Jamaica, usually Saturday is soup day, right? Whether it's gungapi soup, chicken food, soup, whatever. Now, I wanted soup. I just fell for some soup. And I said, God, I'm going to put the pot on the fire. Because I remember, Greg, I don't know if you can remember Sister Smith and those older ladies in church. I used to say how they used to give testimony about them putting on their pot on fire, and the Lord provided. So I said, okay, God, I'm going to try it. So I didn't have anything to make the soup. I think the only thing I had was some. The chicken noodle thing in the pack mix. Yes. I think that was the only thing I had. So I put the pot on. I said, I'm not going to put the noodle thing in there yet, because that is the last part to season the pot. Right. So I said, okay, God, I want some soup. So I prayed, put the pot on the water, boil up, almost boil out, no soup. I said, all right, God. So I turn off the stove, and I started to kind of lose faith. And then night coming in, I said, God, I really want this soup. And I heard a knock on my door. It was my neighbor said that she went to look for her father, who owns a farm, and she said, ms. Trish, Auntie Trish, look here, I have this bag. It's a holy pack. Me and the children can't eat so much. And she was a single mom of three kids. And I'm looking at her strange because I'm thinking, okay, you can keep this till another time. When I look in the bag, I see punking. Half a punking, and it's a nice yellow punkin, those orange nice punk. I see punkin, dashin, cocoa, everything. The only thing that was not in the soup was in meat. So I said, God, man, maybe I should have been specific and asked for what kind of meat I wanted in the soup. But let me tell you, I drink that soup. You see, I was so happy. Yes, those are some of the things that God does.

Speaker A: Wonderful.

Speaker C: And it seems like missionaries, especially, have to trust God even more, because when you think about missionaries, it's not like you have a job or most of the time, missionaries don't have work, and they have to depend on God to provide. Or sometimes this provision have to come through contributions and stuff like that, and most of the time, you have to exercise even more faith to survive.

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker C: I've heard these stories and stuff, but the other thing that I really want to ask you, I know that you had these skills as a drama teacher, and you were always good and you always had the youth around you. Trish lost all of this.

Speaker B: No. When I was in CEF, I know I had a lot of sign language groups, and I did sign language at JTS, at the seminary, because it was something that I figured I needed to learn to be on the mission field. So I wanted that skill. So I had learned that for the whole time. And when I went to Brazil, I would do the drama as well. I think the least I'm doing it is right now.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker B: Yeah. Because I haven't lost it. It's just that I'm not practicing it as much as I used to.

Speaker C: Yeah, got it. Because I could tell you that because I was a beneficiary of your drama.

Speaker B: Group.

Speaker C: I would tell Tanisha the story all the time, that as an inner city youth coming to church and not Jamaica, we always say the bossy people, I always see those who were well learned, because our church was really big on education, and people were always big on their CXE and going to universities and stuff. And as a child from the ghetto coming into church, loving on God, I just always felt out of place. But you were always the person to never make me felt out of place and pull me in and give me a chance to be a part, to fit into church life. And I don't know if part of your mission work is, when you're out there, is helping those to still fit into church life, those who maybe see themselves as misfits.

Speaker B: Yeah, I guess because I saw myself like that, because I struggled a lot in school. I struggled a lot in school a lot. And so my cousins, you know them, Greg, it's a university and whatnot and all of that.

Speaker C: Right?

Speaker B: I struggled a lot in school, and so I think it's something that is also God given to rescue those kids and to let them feel valued, because even though it is still very important to me, and it's something that, especially in recent time, I've really been praying into and asking God, God. Like those days, I want to go back to those days because kids out there, they're hurting. They feel like even more than when I was growing up. And that has always been my heart. I loved my young people, and I was like, maybe a few years, not much older than know. So I love doing it. And I always think of those earlier days at church with funness. And it's something I really want to get back. I really, really want to get back into it. Yeah.

Speaker A: Trish, why did you feel like a misfit when you were growing up?

Speaker B: Yeah, so I didn't really feel accepted. I grew up with my aunt and my uncle, and for me, education was a big deal. And Greg alluded to it. It was a big deal in my family. And so because I didn't catch on quickly in terms of the academics and then my aunt being a teacher, we were really pushed. For me, I don't think I was necessarily understood or received much patience in terms of that, I think. And so for me, that was maybe why I gravitated so much towards maybe children who saw themselves in a similar way like I did. And I think, too, a big part of it is like, God, I think, put that in my heart as well.

Speaker A: Absolutely.

Speaker B: Yeah. Because my aunt and my uncle did the best that they could. And I wouldn't necessarily say that they contributed to me, deliberately contributed to the way I was feeling, but it just happened. That was how I was just feeling. Yeah.

Speaker A: How do you think that your experience is informing your. And let me touch on the work you're doing now in Costa Rica, because you can talk more about that when you answer the question, too, because you are running a school.

Speaker B: Yeah. Okay. For me. Yeah. That informs my parenting in that one of the things that I want to make sure with Aziki, that's the name of my son with Aziki, is that he's loved and not just because I grew up in the era of children, should be seen and not heard. And so for me, I want him to know that he has a voice, and I want him to know verbally and also showing him emotionally that he's loved and that he's accepted and that he's valued. Yes. Because I did not receive that verbally, I think for me, I want him to know that. And most importantly, I want him to know that he has a voice. As young as he is, he has a voice and he can speak, of course, respectfully, and let his voice be heard. Yeah. And moving now into the second part of the question, the thing is, when you're in a culture that speaks another language the education system is taught, it's in Spanish. And so I needed for Aziki to be in school because I think, too, because of how I grew up and education being so important. I said, he needs to be in school. So looking for a bilingual school because I also want him to learn Spanish, I said, okay. Being in a bilingual school really helped him. But the school that I was led to was $400 a month.

Speaker A: Us.

Speaker B: And I could not. Yeah, us.

Speaker A: Oh, wow.

Speaker B: I could not afford that. I'm a missionary. I cannot afford that. And so I had met with the principal and he said, okay, being that you are a missionary, we will reduce it to 300. Now, I still could not find $300 a month was a bit much for me still. And so anyway, I said, okay, God, I'm going to ask. I'm going to put out there to raise the support for people to come on and join me specifically in Aziki's education. One person responded. One. And I said, okay, God. And I remember I was lying in the bed and I was like, oh, my gosh, God, you say that our children will be taught of the Lord, I'm working for you. And so Ezekiel is your child. And the Lord said, why don't you use what you have? And I was like, what? Use what I have. And because I was in the education system in Jamaica as a guidance counselor for 15 years. And I also was trained at the seminary after I graduated, years after I had gone to do a diploma in teaching. So I was like, okay. And so that was how the school that I have now was founded. And Aziki was my first student. And now, previously I had five. But now this new school year past September, I have three.

Speaker A: Yeah, got it. So now you're the only teacher and you have three students?

Speaker B: Yes, right now I'm the only teacher. I'm teaching everything.

Speaker A: Everything. Okay. So math, English, how is your Spanish? And how is.

Speaker B: Fluent? We can help ourselves.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker B: We are not totally fluent, but we're getting there. Okay, got it. Azik is much better than me. His accent is on point mixed with the Patwan English and everything in between.

Speaker A: These kids, they catch on really quickly, much quicker than we. Yeah. It's more natural for them. At this stage of your life. Trish, what lessons are you learning from your challenges?

Speaker B: Yeah, the first thing, and as I said, it sounds very simple. But for me, God is faithful. God is faithful. And worrying gets us nowhere. Yeah, I think that's the main thing for me, it's learning to relax in the stillness. And for me, I'm thinking, okay, the promises of God, especially when it comes to provision because that is always my main concern. Provision, provision, provision. And if God made you a promise, he says he is Jehovah Jireh, your provider. And if God made you a promise, go to sleep. And that is what I'm practicing.

Speaker A: That's good.

Speaker B: That is what practicing?

Speaker A: Yes.

Speaker B: Not easy.

Speaker A: Yes. If you could think about some things or thing that was important to you ten years ago and is no longer important, what would some of those things be in terms of important in terms of ministry or being a christian, what are some things you think back in the day? Oh my goodness, definitely important. But now you're like, no.

Speaker B: Okay, keeping up with friends and the successes of friends and what the world says is success the definition of success? It's not that important for me. It's now more important in terms of what legacy can I leave for my child in terms of his relationship with God. Listen, I'm not saying that people should follow me in doing this, but I was like, okay, God education is not all that as how people say it is for me. He can read.

Speaker A: Yes.

Speaker B: He can write. Okay. It's not very important like the passing of the exams and the pressuring to get going and to be on top like the other kids and the rat race. It's not that important.

Speaker A: Yeah, got it. Trish, as we wind down, what would you like your contribution to the kingdom to be? What would you like your contribution to the kingdom to be? I'm not sure if I'm wording that right, but what's the legacy you want to leave? You may have hinted at that before. Not sure. Your kingdom legacy.

Speaker B: For me, I want to be remembered as somebody who obeyed God in spite of obeyed God. And for me, it's very important for Ezekiel to have a relationship with God. Some people talk about the legacy of their kids in terms of a house, a car or whatever. Generational wealth. For me, it must be spiritual wealth. And that is why I'm so pushing for God to really open the doors that I can be more of a help to children who really don't feel valued in this world. And that is something I want to leave behind. Like Gregory, when he remembers how I really pushed him and encouraged him and was just there. I want to be remembered in that way even now. And not just you, Greg. There are others in the drama group who have said that. Okay. Yeah, that for me is so good.

Speaker A: Yeah, good. I have one more question. I don't know if Gregory has one, but what Bible verse are you meditating on right now that you'd like to share with us? Which one or ones that you go back to or anything that's keeping you now, keeping you sane? Encouraged.

Speaker B: Exodus 14, verse 14. I think it says, stand still and see the salvation of your God. And for me, it's not just about relationships with people or for me, it's everything. The song that says be still and know that I am God. Yes, that's what I'm reflecting on. So with everything that is happening around, just stand still and see the salvation of your God. That's good, I think, for.

Speaker C: Trish, as we wrap up, how can people reach out to you and hear more about your ministry and contact you or even to support you? They could reach out to you and support what you're doing over there.

Speaker B: Okay, well, I am on Facebook. I am on Instagram. I'm on all the social media stuff. Also, I send out a newsletter every three months. You want me to give my handles?

Speaker A: Please. We'll also list them in the show notes if you don't remember them. Trish, no worries. You could text them to me if you haven't already. I feel like you have. You may have, but if you haven't, then text them if you can't remember, and I'll put them in the show notes.

Speaker B: Yeah, but if people.

Speaker A: Hold on 1 second, Trish, the same question that Gregory did. Yeah, the support question.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker B: So that it can be like question, answer.

Speaker A: And the answer. Okay, you edit. Okay, time is going to. All right, so go ahead and ask it again.

Speaker B: The Google Meet Trish.

Speaker C: So tell me, how can people reach you to support your ministry? And. Yeah, basically, how can we reach you to support your ministry?

Speaker B: Okay, the main support is through what we call in YwAM Mission Enablers International, or MEI. And I have a designation code. It's Tricia Shakespeare. And my designation code is TG 3696. That's the main way that people can support. And it's also tax deductible in the United States. Yes.

Speaker A: Okay, very good.

Speaker B: Also, I'm on Facebook. Trish shakes. T-R-I-S-H-S-H-A-K-E-S. That's Facebook. I'm on Instagram. As Trisha Ziveen, I am on. What else is there? I don't think there's anything else.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker A: Yeah, whatever else is there, we'll put it in the show notes. And, Trish, we probably can do an entire episode on your last name. That's a very distinguished last name, Shakespeare. So it should be easy to find you, too.

Speaker A: There you go. There you go. Well, Trish, thank you so much for redoing this episode or this podcast. Whatever. Thank you so much, and God bless you.

Speaker B: And thank you for Greg this time.

Speaker A: Absolutely.

Speaker C: It was a pleasure.

Speaker A: Yeah. Making it more personal. Thank you, Trisha. And we'll be in touch. Bye bye. Thank you so much for joining us today. We hope that this episode encourages you to do whatever the Lord is calling you to. This is Tanisha. See you in the next episode. Hey, if you're enjoying this podcast and you want to learn more about our ministry, please visit We can't wait to connect with you.


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